I'm really not sure if more than 3 people read this. But, whatever. It's an outlet sometimes, so I shall write. :)
About the kids:
Addison attended a birthday party this weekend. She came home with a pink butterfly face painting that covered her entire face and flowers painted up and down both arms. She looked pretty darn cute, but it also made me realize that she's growing up. Fast! She also had a TON of sugar. We're talking way more than typical 5-yr-old party fare. We definitely had a little talk about self-control. :)
Ethan continues to make us laugh. He is just so funny. He comes up with the most hilarious things to say and do at the most random times.
About life:
We started studying the book of James at church this morning. One major point that stuck out for me was "God wants to shape our character so that we grow up to maturity in faith by working through...life circumstances." How true. How appropriate to hear at this time in our lives. I've been trying to be more diligent about digging in to the Word, and it has struck me in the past couple of weeks how much more spiritually mature I could be. I feel like I was living on the faith that I had grown up with and developed along the way, but had sort of hit a rut. I let my life get so busy and filled up with little things that really didn't help me grow spiritually. So now I'm trying to be better at filling my life with God.
Please continue to pray for Dad - for a miracle. Praise Him for good days we've been able to spend with Dad recently, and definitely for all the good times we've always had with Dad. Pray for Mom - for strength, comfort, peace. Thanks for my aunt, who is giving so selflessly of her own time to help take care of Dad and the house, etc. And many Thanks for all the people who are giving of their time, talents, and touch. We are so blessed. (you can check out their blog for a daily update - my mom is so good about that)
Be blessed.
Well I definitely am a reader :):):) This post is awesome! It speaks truth and I love how honest you were about being spiritually mature. I know I get lazy and don't fill my life with God. But what a difference it makes when you are filled by God! I pray you find Him again and He fills your heart and life! And of course I always pray for "mom and dad"!!! I love you so very much!
I read you, too! :) Thanks for the update!! Many prayers for you and your family.
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