So Addison is only two, but already has a little shoe fetish (which she does not get from me, I'll have you know). The other day we decided to go to the mall and walk around for a while. I gave Addie the option of her white sandals or pink shoes (the $5 version of crocs). She chose the white sandals, we got them on, then set out to round everything up for our little trip. Not even a minute later, I look down to see Addie taking her sandals off and putting her pink shoes on. No biggie. She looks at me and very sweetly and serenely says, "i'm gonna wear my pink shoes." She put them on herself and they were on the right foot and everything. Sweet. Daddy has Ethan, diaper bag is packed, let's go. Oh, but where did Addie go? She's running to her room yelling "Wait! I want to wear my pip pops." (the flip-flops that her Aunt Amy and Cousin Alexis so kindly got her for her birthday that are probably going to fit her better next summer) So, we agreed that she could wear them in the car, but not the mall. We finally got out the door. She fell asleep on the way there, so changing her shoes was no problem when we got there. She forgot she even wore "pip-pops." :)
Recently, Addie discovered her shadow. She was out in the backyard and we thought she was waving at a man across the pond who was grilling on his deck. But upon further examination, we realized she was waving at her shadow. Too cute! Then a couple of days later, she was in the living room and noticed her shadow again. She was walking along and said to her shadow, "come on." Then she walked the other way and into another room with no chance for a shadow and said, "it went away." It was precious! All the new discoveries are so much fun. (well, most are fun...) :)
And finally, this just in: we went to Walmart this afternoon to get a couple of little things (we are spoiled with a new walmart that is entirely too close, thus tempting us into way too many "walmart trips"). As we are browsing around we hear the clanging of a huge rainstorm hitting the roof, so we slowed our pace knowing we'd have to be there a while if we didn't want to run the kids out to the car in the pouring rain. That's when we heard this: "Attention Walmart customers and associates. There is severe weather in the area. Please move to the apparel section near the front of the store..." Thankfully, we were close to the toys at the time, so I grabbed up something to keep Addie entertained while we huddled in the apparel section with the other early afternoon customers. We saw someone we knew who had just gotten a text from someone at Target who was in the same situation. I like to watch storms, so I was kinda bummed that I wasn't at home to watch this one. But who knows, we may have been safer at Walmart. We got home to see several people's recycling blown all over the place, but our street was pretty clean.
After we left Walmart, Brad decided to go across the street to get some cash from the ATM. He puts his card in, weird sounds come out, and the screen flashes "out of service." The card never made it back out. So, after being stuck at Walmart for a while, we were then stuck at the ATM until an operator for our bank could help us. We didn't want to leave and have the card come back out for the next person. We ended up just having to cancel the card and they are going to issue him a new one. The old card never did come out, but the machine came back into service while we were sitting there. I laughed. Brad, not so much. :)
In the meantime, Ethan has just been crawling all over the place and beginning to get more brave about pulling up on things and such. He has discovered that he can crawl in the kitchen, found the magnetic letters and has thoroughly enjoyed pulling them down. He's getting quite fast and will come find you if you leave the room.
Have a blessed day!