"So, what's Addie think?"
I think I hear this question at least once a day. :) She is doing well. She is so very curious, and if she were a pinch older, I'm sure she would be a great helper! She really likes to look at him, and touch, though we're working on touching "nice." So now she'll go up and pat him and say "ni." (still working on the "ce" ending) :) Yesterday morning was pretty cute. As soon as she got up, she came out to the living room, walked up to his bassinet and said, "hi baby." She won't say his name, but calls him "baby" and sometimes even "baby boy." She also loves giving him kisses.
Yesterday was our first adventure out of the house to get Ethan's first check-up at the doctor. My mom took the day off to help me out (by the way, thanks to everyone who has given so much time to helping us in so many ways!), and between the two of us, we managed to get the family circus out of the house and to the doctor on time!! It's definitely different having two kids to get ready, and especially when they are both in diapers. The diaper bag was already full with Addie stuff, now we're adding more. I definitely learned it will be a while before I can master taking both kids somewhere without assistance. :)
Who knows when I'll be able to blog next, but wanted to share a few pictures of Ethan. We are all doing well and we so appreciate everything all of our wonderful friends and family have done for us! We are so blessed!